We get you up and running quickly

Get Started

Whether you need setup in your home or business, WifiWhereYouWantIT has a streamlined process to survey your site and provide a quote quickly and easily.  We start at your modem, and go outward from there.  Once the measurements are made, the rest is simple.  Let's get started!

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Step 1 - Site Survey

We come to your place to estimate the number and style of units needed, and the number of hours needed.  There are many variables, such as size, thickness and density of materials within your desired WiFi network range.  We use these to design your network infrastructure.

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Step 2 - Installation

We install the required equipment in the best configuration possible to attain the best WiFi coverage possible.  Neat, Clean, and Professional.

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Step 3 - Monitoring and Maintenance

We monitor your WiFi network 24/7.  Our system notifies us when your equipment needs updates or restarts; and we perform those at a convenient time for you.  We will notify you if a unit ever needs to be repaired or replaced. 

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Step 4 - Control

You can ask us to control your various networks.  Guest networks have access to the internet, and that's all.  Your computers are kept private.  We can set up a network for the kids, with hours of operation that you allow.  We can limit the bandwidth.  We can schedule the hours of operation for each network.  We can even limit access to peer-to-peer networks, undesirable types of web sites, and more.  The list goes on, to more complex controls.  Some of these controls are billable in addition to the basic maintenance package.  We can set up another network for the sitter, with your own set of rules.  Our experts can explain the process and help you to easily decide what is best for your situation.


Have a question of need further guidance? Please visit our FAQ page or contact us directly. We're happy to help.